Do you have multiple health plans?
Are you at risk?
Is your data disorganized?
Go Direct with AccuReports
FRG offers provider groups who have financial risk with one or more health plans and ACOs the option to consolidate their data into one private AccuReports portal. By choosing to Go Direct, provider groups can connect their teams to all the at-risk panels as needed and establish control of their risk pool without the need to navigate between various client portals. The consolidation of data spanning various panels improves team organization and time management. Additionally, and perhaps most importantly, once an organization’s data is in the same place, FRG can customize reports to preference, including revising provider names, adding custom reinsurance calculations, and adjusting for downstream contract arrangements. Take control of your data! Go Direct, today!
AccuReports is online analytical reporting software that makes it easy for financial managers, risk adjustment coders and care coordinators to identify opportunities to improve financial performance of shared savings and risk contracts.
Services at a glance
CONSOLIDATE your data into a private portal and analyze your panels consistently across payers.
CUSTOMIZE the reports to match your organizational preferences.
CONNECT your full team to the specific information they need to help drive your organization forward.
Get Started Today!

If your provider group has financial risk with one or more health plans or a CMS ACO, then GO DIRECT with FRG!
Partner with FRG
Ready to take control of your financial data and risk management?
With AccuReports, FRG empowers provider groups to consolidate, customize, and connect their data for improved organization, time management, and actionable insights. Simplify your processes, gain clarity across your risk pool, and drive financial performance with one comprehensive solution.
Call 888-466-1025 for more information or fill out form.
Customized reports and portals delivered within 30 days of implementation.
Let’s get started!
Request a demo to see how AccuReports can transform your organization’s data and decision-making processes.