Physician Groups, MSOs and IPAs
FRG thrives on its many and diverse direct contracts with Provider Groups (MSOs and IPAs) who have entered contracts to bear substantial financial risk with one or more than one health plan or CMS directly. Groups choose FRG to organize the many large files that are shared monthly into a unified and consistent framework for analysis.
AccuReports® online analytical reports provide a single place for financial managers, risk adjustment coders and care coordinators to identify high-cost members, ER frequent flyers and unmanaged prescribing physicians. The carefully designed reports make much of this information accessible to even the newest associates.
Groups provide value to their employed and affiliated providers through a white-label AccuReports® portal that providers and care managers can access directly to quickly identify performance improvement opportunities.
Groups that use AccuReports® also benefit from the deep relationships that FRG has with national health plans. We understand the challenges on both sides of a risk arrangement and can provide insight into strategic decisions that your data presents.
FRG is also responsive. Special data sets from electronic scheduling systems and other nuanced data feeds can be incorporated into our production processes. FRG also customizes data for clients to present downstream. Apply your provider network names to replace the way the health plans present them to you. Add administrative fee charges to profit and loss schedules to reflect affiliate service fees. We can help you make the most of your AccuReports® and do it every month quickly, consistently and efficiently.